1. (a) State the rules obeyed by:
(i) The dynamo; (ii)The electric motor.
(b) Explain the basic features of the electric motor.
(c) How can an a.c dynamo be converted to a d.c. dynamo.
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2. (a)Explain the terms fission and fusion for nuclei. (b) Identify the three radiation products of radioactive nuclei. (c) Write three properties of á-particles. (d) What is the importance of radioactivity in organic matter? (e) How is nuclear fusion important to life?
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3. (a) Explain the meaning of each of the terms:
Mass, Inertia, and Impulse.
(b) A bullet of mass 250g is fired from a gun of mass 5kg, exerting a force of 30N against the gunman which persisted for 2 seconds. Find the velocities of the bullet and recoil of the gun.
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4. (a) Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate that water and petrol have different thermal expansivities.
(b) The volumes of a liquid at 15°C and 65°C are 6.0x 10(-5) m^(3)and 6.1x 10^(-5) m^(3) respectively. Find the apparent volume expansivity of the liquid.
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5. (a) Define the terms:
Ampere, Ohm, Resistance and conductance as referred to in electricity
(b) Each of the two new dry cells has an e.m.f of 1.5 volts and an internal resistance of 1.0 ohm. The two cells are connected in parallel and the combination connected to a 10-ohm resistor. Find the current and heat developed per second on the 10-ohm resistor.
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