1. (a) Explain how radioactivity differs from any type of chemical reaction
(b) Write in summary form, two properties of each of alpha, beta, and gamma radiations.
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2. (a) What is meant by the terms
Electrochemical equivalent, Voltameter, Cathode and Anode as applied in electrolysis?
(b) How long will it take to deposit 99mg of copper in a copper voltameter which carries a current of 3.0A?
On which electrode is the deposition of copper taking place?
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3.(a) Identify any two different forms of energy and name the device which can convert each form of energy to the other.
(b) Pangani falls are 45m high. Determine the potential energy of 200 liters of water at the top relative to the bottom. What is the Kinetic energy of water molecules just before reaching the bottom and explain what happens to the energy after the water reaches the bottom?
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4. (a) How is the amount of light energy reaching the film of a camera controlled?
(b) A camera has a lens of focal length 4cm. It is used:
(i) first for taking a photograph of an object a long distance aw and then
(ii) for taking a photograph of an object 2.Om away from the camera.
Through what distance must the lens be moved and in what direction in order to take the photograph in (ii)
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5.(a) Identify three characteristics of sound which distinguish one note from another. Hence state the physical factors which correspondingly define the mentioned characteristics.
(b) A resonance tube whose one end is closed and the other open resonates to a note of frequency 560HZ when the length of the air column is 15cm.
Determine the wavelength of this sound in air. What is the shortest length of the air column which resonates in similar conditions to a note of frequency 1000HZ.
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