1. (a) What is a diode?
(b) (i) Draw a fully labelled symbol of the indirectly heated diode valve
(ii) Indicate the direction of conventional current in the diode valve.
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2. A car initially travelling at 10m/s accelerates uniformly for 10 seconds to a velocity of 25m/s, it then maintains a steady speed for decelerating uniformly to rest in four seconds.
(a) Draw the velocity-time graph for this motion.
(b) Find the acceleration, deceleration and total distance travelled by car.
(c) Find the kinetic energy lost during braking if the mass of the car and its content is 1,200kg.
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3. (a) What are the fixed points in the Celsius scale?
(b) Draw a simple diagram of a thermocouple and give its two main uses.
(c) A thermocouple connected to a galvanometer gives a zero reading when both junctions are dipped in pure melting ice and reading of 3.5mV when one junction is in steam at standard pressure. If this junction is placed in a boiling liquid, the galvanometer reads 6, 3mv.
What is the temperature of the boiling liquid?
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4. (a) List down the component colours of white light.
(b) illustrate how the rainbow colours can be obtained from white light using a glass prism.
(c) Write the name of the device which is used to detect each of the following radiations;
(i)Infrared       (ii) Visible         (iii) Ultraviolet
(d) What wave property do the component colours of white light have in common?
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5. (a) Give the factors which determine the resistance of a wire.
(b) The fine wire has a resistance of 4.00/m. When a coil made from this wire is connected to a 50V supply a current of 25mA flows.
(i) What is the length of wire making this coil?
(ii) Determine the resistivity of this wire if its diameter is 0.35mm
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