1. (a) "Distinguish between umbra and penumbra.
(b) A round source of light of diameter 0.20m casts a shadow of a disc of diameter 0.1m placed at a distance of 0.30m away. How far away must the screen be placed to receive the shadow of the umbra is to be on the point of vanishing?
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2. (a) Explain what it means by:
     (i) Wavelength             (ii) Frequency for sound.
     (b) The velocity of sound in air is 330m/s; find the wavelength in the water of sound wave of frequency 660 Hz if the velocity of sound in water is 1.32km/s.
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3. (a) What happens to the magnitude of the combined resistance when two resistors of the same resistance are connected in
(i) Parallel (ii) Series.
    (b) Three resistors of magnitude 30, 90 and parallel to each other. If the total current passing through the combined resistance is 0.6A, calculate the current passing through each resistor.
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4. (a) Name the device used to store electric charges. Give the SI unit in which this device is normally calibrated.
    (b) Two capacitors are connected in:
       (i) Series         (ii) Parallel.
Find their equivalent capacitance in each mode if their capacitances are respectively 1000µF and 4000µF.
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5. . (a) State Lenz's law of electromagnetic induction.
      (b) Redraw each of the following circuit diagrams and show the direction of current in the coil if the magnetic pole piece is moved in the direction indicated by the arrow when the coil is stationary.

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