1. A soring balance reads 12N when a metal block is suspended from it in er and read 1ON when totally immersed in water. Find the volume of the metal block
... Answer is )
Volume of block = 200cc


2. Find the total resistance between points A and B in the following diagram
... Answer is )
   Total resistance = 15.9 ohm

3. A converging lens has a focal length of 20.0cm and an object is placed 30cm from the lens. Calculate the image position and its magnification.
... Answer is )
comment answer.

4. A mass of 80kg falls from a height of 100 meters. Assuming there are no losses, what is the heat developed at the ground?
... Answer is )
comment answer.

5. (a) lustrate how you would use a right 45 prism to change the direction of the ray by:
(i) 90 degree (ii) 180 degree
(b) What type of reflection is demonstrated in the above examples?
... Answer is )
comment answer.

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