1. Define Chemistry?
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Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the study of composition and decomposition of matter. Chemistry deals with the properties and behaviour of matter.

2. Mention at least ten of material objects made by the application of the knowledge Chemistry.
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-Agricultural materials, e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides.
-Cosmetics, e.g. perfumes, vaseline.
-Hospital chemicals, e.g. paracetamol, aspirin, antibiotics, etc.
-Drinks, e.g. beer, soft drinks, wines, etc.
-Paints, dyes and vanishes.
-Cleaners, e.g. soaps and detergents.
-Ingredients, e.g. common salt, sugar, baking powder, yeast.
-Clothes from textiles, nylon, silk, sisal, etc.
-Teeth cleaners, e.g. toothpaste, toothbrush.
-Laboratory chemicals, e.g. acids, alkali, food test Reagents.
-Building items such as iron, steel, glass, cement etc.
-Plastic and rubber items.
-Leather items, e.g. shoes, belts etc.
-School items, e.g. paper, chalk, ink are all made by using chemical methods.

3. State six areas where Chemistry knowledge is applied in day to day life.
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Areas, where Chemistry knowledge is applied, include;
-Factories/Industries; to get things like dyes and paints, toothpaste, soap, oils and fats, and food.
-Homes; in different processes such as cooking, boiling drinking water, hardening of eggs on a frying pan, bathing and washing domestic utensils.
--Schools; laboratory while doing experiments and practicals.
Farms; in keeping livestock like cows, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry and -cultivation of crops such as tea, sisal, maize, cotton, tobacco, groundnuts and vegetables. The knowledge of Chemistry also enables people to select good pesticides and herbicides to control pests, insects and other micro-organisms which affect plants and animals.
-Hospitals and Dispensaries, where doctors and nurses advise, care and treat sick people.

4. Is there any importance of studying Chemistry?
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Yes; The knowledge of Chemistry is important in a number of ways:
-We need different substances to meet our basic human needs like food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, health, etc
-Chemistry is fun with full of interesting activities. This leads to new discoveries.
-Studying Chemistry leads to interesting professions like pharmacists, physicians, chemists, engineers, nurses and doctors, veterinary agriculturalists, etc.
-Chemistry answers many questions about the nature of things, e.g. why does iron rust? Why substances burn?
-Chemical factories engage in changing natural resources of the earth into useful substances such as iron and steel, plastics, rubber, glass, cement, paints and dyes, fabrics, chemicals and medicine.

5. Science and technology have brought the advancement of Chemistry in the modern world. Is there any disadvantage (s) experienced by a man from the advancement of Chemistry?
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Yes. There are several problems which face human beings and other living organisms due to the advancement of Chemistry such as:
-Chemicals produced have affected our environment, i.e. environmental pollution. For example, industrial wastes are deposited in water sources like seas, lakes and small streams. These poisonous materials affect plants and animals.
-Manufacturing of toxins, explosives, oxidizing agents, corrosives etc, endanger human life and other living organisms.
-Some cosmetics produced industrially affect human beings during their application.

6. (a) How many major branches of Chemistry do we have?
(b) Mention those branches in (a) above
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(a) There are 3 major branches of Chemistry
(b) (i) Physical Chemistry.
(ii) Organic Chemistry.
(iii)Inorganic Chemistry.

7. What could be the problem in the world without the subject of Chemistry at all?
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-No any kind of chemical, e.g. medicine, fertilizers, fats, drinks etc, could be present,
-Leather and fibre made like clothes, paper, shoes, and belts could be absent.
-There could be no stable buildings due to absence of cement, paints and dyes, varnishes, plastics and rubber items and metal items.

8. Chemistry becomes of great importance to our lives because we use it to change raw materials to useful products. In the table, match the raw materials in "A" with a set of substances made from it in "B".
(i) Marble (a) Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen
(ii) Coal (b) Calcium, oxygen, carbon/td>
(iii) Seed grain (c) Steel, gold, copper, aluminium, iron.
(iv) Oil and natural gas (d) Timber, food, clothing
(v) The air (e) Fuels, chemicals, e.g. Plastics
(vi) Plants (f) Fuels, like coal and gas
(vii) Minerals and Ores (g) Carbohydrate foods, alcohol.
(viii) The sea (h) Salts, magnesium, bromine and iodine
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COLUMN A i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

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