1. (a) Explain why radio waves are similar to light waves but not sound
    (b) A radio station transmits a signal of wavelength 1500 meters.
Calculate the frequency of this signal,
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2. A sonometer wire of length 40cm between two bridges produces a note of 512HZ when plucked at the mid-point. Calculate the length of the wire that would produce a note of 256Hz with the same tension.
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3. (a) What is a diode?
    (b) Draw the circuit symbol of a diode.
    (c) Draw a circuit diagram of a simple half-wave rectifier using diode and an output load resistor R.
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4. (a) Define the terms: watts and kilowatt-hour as used in electricity
    (b) A washing machine for use in a 240V main has a 1/4 h.p motor and a heating element rated at 2kW connected in series.
    (i)What current does it take when in use?
    (ii) What is the cost of using it for 40 minutes every day for a period of 12 weeks if the cost of electricity is 5/ per unit (kWh)? (1 h.p 0.75kW)
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