1. (a) Explain the terms Live, Neutral and Earth as applied in domestic electrical appliances.
(b) What are the color codes used at present in domestic electrical wiring for the live, neutral and earth wires?
(c) An electric stove is rated 1000W, 250V. Electricity is charged at Shs. 45/= per kilowatt-hour and the stove is used for 30 minutes per day.
(i) How much will the cost be in the month of January?
(ii) What is the maximum current that flows through the element without destroying it?
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comment answer.

2. (a) List down any five of the features of the human eye.
(b) Mention the function of each of the features of the human eye you have listed.
(i) What is wrong with the eye of a short-sighted person?
(ii) How can short-sightedness be corrected?
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3. Write short notes about the bicycle dynamo. In your notes include the following:
(a) A list of the main parts of the bicycle dynamo.
(b) Explanation of how it produces electricity.
(c) The principle governing the production of electricity by the dynamo.
(d) Statement of the principle mentioned in (c) above.
(e) The conditions of operation which produce dim light and those which produce bright light.
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4. (a) Name two instruments that are used to detect radiation from radioactive sources.
(b) Write down three simple tests you would carry out in the laboratory in order to identify the three radioactive radiations; a, B and y.
(c) A uranium nucleus U(238), with atomic number 92, emits two a-particles and two B-particles, and finally forms a thorium (Th) nucleus. (i) Write the reaction equation which describes the above process. (ii) Determine the mass number and atomic number of thorium (Th).
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5. (e) What is meant by the moment of a force at a point? State its SI Unit.
(b) State the conditions for a body to be in equilibrium when subjected to a number of parallel forces.
(c) A uniform wooden bar AB of length 120cm weighing 1.2N rests on two sharp-edged supports C and D placed 10cm from its either ends. A0.20N load hangs from a loop of a string 30 cm from A and a 0.90N load hangs at 40cm from B.
Find the:
(i) reaction at C (ii) reaction at D
... Answer is )
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