1. What is the diffraction of waves?
(b) illustrate how plane water wavefronts are diffracted on passing through a narrow gap.
(c) (i)Is it possible for light to be diffracted on passing through an open window?
(ii)Give an explanation to your answer above.
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2. (a) How can a simple electric cell be constructed?
(b) Sketch a diagram of the simple electric cell and locate the anode and cathode.
(c) Write the chemical reactions taking place at each electrode and within the electrolyte.
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3. (a) What purpose does Fleming's right-hand rule serve?
(b) Mention the physical quantities described in Fleming's right-hand rule.
(c) What is the purpose of Fleming's left hand rule?
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4. (a) What is a machine?
(b) A wheel and axle of efficiency 75% are used to lift a load of 3600N.
The radius of the wheel is 64cm, and that of the axle is 4cm. calculate the velocity ratio, mechanical advantage of the machine and effort required to overcome the load.
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5. (a) What is the fundamental frequency (f) of a vibrating string?
(b) A sonometer consists of a taut steel wire fixed between two bridges 100cm apart. Defining the first harmonic (2f), second (3f), third (4f) and fourth (5f) explain how overtones can be obtained.
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