Before deciding to have app for your website, check the following advantages
'Offline Capabilities
Although mobile apps need internet to perform majority of their operations but can offer basic content and functionality even in offline mode. Letting the users access app content in offline mode can help you maintain their interest and establish a long-term relationship.
Improved Visibility
As per recent reports, an average user spends at least two hours a day on apps. This can help improve a business’ visibility. It can also help influence a users’ perception about a brand as all the necessary content is available at their fingertips.
Regular Connectivity
A mobile app can help you stay connected with customers 24/7, from anywhere, and through any device. Push notifications, one-tap access to business contacts, and many other innovative features are the reasons why mobile apps have gained immense popularity.
Works Faster
A mobile app works faster than a website as it utilizes the preferences set by the users to take proactive actions on their behalf. Moreover, an app also locally stores the data in the mobile device, making it easy to retrieve data and deliver better user experience.
Better Conversion Stream
Mobile apps improve your conversion stream as they help customers understand your offerings better and let them connect with you instantly. Moreover, an app with unique features and beautiful design also improves user experience dramatically.
Reliable for all screen sizes
Mobile applications can be viewed easily on all types and sizes of mobile screens whereas mobile websites are tough to optimize for different smartphone screens. Through mobile applications your customers get the best experience and more likely to come back to you for more.
Market Share
As of November 2020, the global share for Android is 71.18%. When you build an Android app this is the sharpest edge you get. The more audience you have at your disposal, greater would be the chances of your app being a success.
As Android apps are developed using Java, these apps can be easily ported to almost every other mobile operating system. Even better you can port an Android app to even the Chrome OS! This portability makes Android app development quite lucrative.
Also we we publish your app in our playstore if you have no playstore account.
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